
Medical Transcription Resume Writing

Medical Transcription Jobs

Medical transcription is frequently advertised as an excellent way to make money at home - and it can be, with the right education, training and presentation.

Resume Presentation

Since medical transcription is primarily a work-at-home career, your resume is usually the first impression a potential employer will have of you. Make sure it's a good one!

Sometimes, you have no control over the presentation. Some employers use an online form and will not accept applications by any other means. Just make sure there are no spelling errors, use appropriate paragraphing and follow the directions.

If you are asked to send a resume as part of an e-mail, try and use an e-mail client that allows HTML, so you can format the resume better. Using HTML, you should be able to copy the text of resume from your word processor directly into the e-mail and it will retain formatting. Text e-mail cannot be formatted and it looks very generic. In both cases, look the resume over very carefully and correct anything that makes it difficult to read.

If the employer accepts resumes as an attachment, your presentation can be as beautiful as you know how to make it. There are many free templates on the internet - find one and look at it to get some ideas.

What to include in the resume

Here's what a potential employer doesn't want to know about you: that you want to work in the comfort of your home, that you have 1, 2, 3 or more lovely children who need their mommy at home but will behave while you work, that your grandmother is elderly and lives with you so you need to be able to work a flexible schedule. When writing a resume, remember "just the facts."

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